
The 酷爱成人网 CPD program

The 酷爱成人网 continuing professional development (CPD) program supports ongoing maintenance of professional development, at all stages of your career in women’s health.

Joining the program

Check the table below to see if you’re eligible to join the 酷爱成人网 CPD program.

CategoryWho can join?The College will enrol you into the 酷爱成人网 CPD program…
酷爱成人网 FellowDoctors who hold the Fellowship of 酷爱成人网 (F酷爱成人网) qualificationAutomatically, following elevation to Fellowship
Affiliate member of 酷爱成人网Registered doctors who are providing unsupervised specialist women鈥檚 health services in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the PacificFollowing approval of your membership application by the 酷爱成人网 Board
Specialist international medical graduate (SIMG)International doctors who:

– have been assessed as partially or substantially comparable
– are required to enrol in the 酷爱成人网 CPD program as part of this assessment
Following completion of your SIMG assessment
Associate (Procedural), Associate (Advanced Procedural) and CertificantsDoctors who hold the 酷爱成人网 Associate 酷爱成人网 Program (Procedural) (PTP), 酷爱成人网 Associate 酷爱成人网 Program (Advanced Procedural) (APTP) and/or Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) qualificationsFollowing opt-in at annual renewal

To learn more or express your interestCLICK HERE
CPD affiliate in AustraliaDoctors registered in Australia with an interest in women’s health and 酷爱成人网 prevocational affiliates

Please note that you can nominate 酷爱成人网 as your CPD Home from 1st January 2024
Following completion and approval of your application

To learn more or apply nowCLICK HERE
CPD affiliate in Aotearoa New ZealandVocationally registered doctors in Aotearoa New Zealand who hold a postgraduate O&G qualification

Doctors who are provisionally registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) and require evidence of participation in a CPD program
Following completion and approval of your application

To learn more or apply nowCLICK HERE

What to expect from your CPD Home

The 酷爱成人网 CPD program offers a robust, monitored and evaluated CPD program that:

supports your individual learning needs

gives you access to a CPD portal with tools to record and track your CPD progress

sets out a CPD framework to help you meet your annual CPD requirements

provides guidance and support around meeting your CPD requirements for:

culturally safe practice

addressing health inequities


ethical practice

connects you with further support and guidance via the 酷爱成人网 CPD team

Please note that all doctors in Australia with a formal CPD requirement must nominate a CPD Home by January 2024.

About the program

酷爱成人网 is an accredited CPD Home that provides a CPD program to support the ongoing maintenance of professional development for obstetrician and gynaecological (O&G) practitioners, as per the requirements of:

the Medical Board of Australia 鈥

the Medical Council of New Zealand 鈥

The focus of the CPD program is on regular performance feedback, collaboration with peers, self-reflection and reviewing patient outcomes. A reflective approach to learning allows development in areas relevant to cultural safety, health inequities, professionalism and ethics, which leads to improvements in patient care.

Any required changes to the CPD program will not be implemented during a current cycle. Six months鈥 notice of any changes, i.e. no later than 30 June, will be communicated before the start of the next annual cycle.

Please follow the links below for more information on the latest MBA and MCNZ requirements.

Annual CPD cycle

The CPD program is an annual cycle from 1 January to 31 December.

CPD hours and domains

Each CPD cycle, you’re required to record a minimum of 50 CPD hours across three domains, as outlined below.

Educational Activities (EA)Includes structured learning, self-directed learning, education events, involvement in leadership roles, 酷爱成人网 activities13
Outcome Measurement (OM)Includes measurement of outcomes of care, benchmarking of performance with peers, reflecting on patient outcomes

Can also include clinical audits, writing guidelines/statements, publishing articles, assessing incident reports, research
Performance Review (PR)Includes reviewing and reflecting on actual work processes and can include feedback from peers, colleagues and patients, peer review and discussions

Can also include reflecting on an activity, including contributions to personal development and improvements to scope of practice
Remaining hours across OM/PR15
Remaining hours across any domain (EA/OM/PR) 12
Total hours50

If you join the 酷爱成人网 CPD program mid-cycle, your adjusted number of total CPD hours will be reflected on your CPD dashboard in your online Integrate CPD portal.

CPD framework of activities

The CPD framework helps you identify activities under each domain, many of which you are likely to be undertaking in your day-to-day role.

To support the CPD framework, our CPD Framework Definitions Guide includes links to useful resources and templates.

Mandatory CPD requirements

Within your 50 CPD hours, you are required to complete the following:

Professional development plan (PDP)

Who and when?

All CPD program participants (including those in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand) must complete a PDP, under the Performance Review (PR) domain, every CPD cycle.


The PDP is a plan of your development requirements based on reflection of your practice and assessment of your skills, knowledge and educational needs.

Annual structured conversation

Who and when?

All CPD program participants in Aotearoa New Zealand must complete an annual structured conversation, every CPD cycle.

Program participants in Australia may also choose to complete an annual structured conversation; however, this is not a mandatory requirement.


The annual structured conversation is a reflective practice activity that provides an opportunity for you to:

reflect on your development needs

set goals and performance targets for learning and professional activities

receive constructive feedback and share best practice

explore satisfaction, self-care, and health and wellbeing issues

make practice adjustments and consider the longer-term

Program level CPD requirements

Program-level requirements are activities that facilitate professional development across the breadth of medical practice.

Engagement in these activities should include opportunities for reflection on your own biases and attitudes, to help you understand how these can impact patient care.

Cultural safety practice

Addressing health inequities


Ethical practice

Subspecialist requirements


All subspecialist CPD program participants (including those in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand).


At least 35 of your 50 CPD hours must be specific to your subspecialist scope of practice.

Additional CPD revisions according to subspecialty include:

Gynaecological Oncology (CGO) 鈥攑articipation in at least 20 hours of multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings each cycle.

Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (CREI) and Urogynaecology (CU) 鈥 inclusion of at least one goal in your professional development plan (PDP)* from one of the following areas:

Education and 酷爱成人网



*Please note that you cannot select the same goal within a three-year period.

Specialist high-level CPD requirements

Specialist medical colleges accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) can propose additional ‘high-level CPD requirements’. These requirements are specialty-specific and must be offered by the different CPD Homes. All Fellows and other CPD participants who hold specialist registration in Australia must meet any relevant specialist high-level CPD requirements.

Please note that 酷爱成人网 has not specified any specialist high-level CPD requirements for the 2023 and 2024 CPD cycles.

For a full list of high-level requirements according to specialty, please visit the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) website.

Program updates for 2024/2025

The College will provide notification of any updates to 酷爱成人网 CPD program at least six months prior to the end of the current cycle.

Please click the button below to learn more about the new mandatory CPD requirements that will come into effect from 1st January 2024.

Approved activities

The College approves CPD activities from external education providers for the CPD framework.

Please visit our Events page to view the College calendar and to search for approved CPD activities.

Are you an education provider?

Please follow the link below if you’re seeking 酷爱成人网 approval for a CPD activity.

Participation and compliance

Please click the button below to browse our policies, procedures and guidance on a range of CPD topics, including:

Changes in circumstance
(e.g. if you require a CPD exemption or more time to complete your CPD requirements)

CPD verification checks

Overdue CPD requirements

Failure to meet requirements

Evidence of CPD enrolment and completion

Re-entry to practice and retraining

Working as an overseas Fellow

Retirement and reinstatement

CPD support and resources

Contacting the CPD team

For any queries and/or support relating to your CPD program, and/or support with activities, please contact the CPD team at: cpd@ranzcog.edu.au.   

Please provide as much detail in your email as possible along with your 酷爱成人网 ID number.

If you’re experiencing issues with the CPD portal (Integrate), please lodge an IT ticket via: it@ranzcog.edu.au.

If you wish to speak to a member of the CPD team, please phone: +61 3 9417 1699. 

If your call cannot be answered at the time, please leave a detailed message and a team member will call you back.

If your request is for support and guidance for remediation, please email the CPD team with your request, at:cpd@ranzcog.edu.au.

Please note that your request will be referred to the Chair of the CPD Committee.

Re-entry to practice and re-training support

The 酷爱成人网 Re-entry to practice, Re-training and Reinstatement Policy has been developed to support 酷爱成人网 Fellows who require:

reinstatement to Fellowship within 12 months of removal

a re-entry pathway for return to active practice following an extended absence

guidance to develop a re-training plan for Fellows who have self-identified or have been identified by a Health Board or Regulatory Body as requiring retraining


Logging your CPD hours

All activities are to be logged into the online Integrate CPD portal.

The portal enables you to monitor your CPD progress, and to access a collection of worksheets and templates for documenting your CPD activities 鈥 upon logging in, click the menu button in the top left corner and select 鈥楻esources鈥.

For platform support, please contact: cpditsupport@ranzcog.edu.au.

If you’re experiencing issues with Integrate, please consult the 酷爱成人网 CPD Portal User Guide, or lodge an IT ticket via: it@ranzcog.edu.au.


Please note: ‘all other participants’ refers to: associate members, educational affiliates, and CPD affiliates (non-members) in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.

CPD fees
CPD application and program fees (酷爱成人网 Fellows)
Included in membership fee
CPD application fee (CPD affiliates)
$443 inc GST
$484 inc GST
Submit with application
Additional cost of CPD program (all other participants)
$785 inc GST
$883 inc GST
Due annually
Additional cost of CPD program (Certificant, Associate (Procedural), Associate (Advanced Procedural))
$550 inc GST
$618 inc GST
Due annually

Policies and procedures

Please follow the link below for policy and procedure documents relevant to the 酷爱成人网 CPD program.

Are you an Associate (Procedural or Adv. Procedural) or Certificant?

Learn more about specific CPD requirements for doctors who have completed the APTP, PTP and/or Certificate of Women’s Health (CWH) qualifications.

Are you a CPD affiliate in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand?

Learn more about specific requirements for CPD affiliate members of 酷爱成人网.

5 December 2024

